Private Winter Flu Jab in Liverpool
Be proactive about your health and reduce your risk of catching flu and becoming ill by getting protection against seasonal and winter flu outbreaks. A flu jab can not only protect you but also mean you avoid illness so won’t pass it on to family, friends or work colleagues.
By having a private flu jab will ensure you can go into the winter flu season with confidence that you are highly unlikely to catch it. It will allow you to remain active and productive when so many others around you may be falling victim to seasonal flu.
- 72% of people carrying the flu virus go to work feeling sick - not only are they likely to be less efficient, but also risk infecting other healthy staff.
- Last year, there were over 25 million working days lost in the UK due to flu, costing businesses nationwide approximately £1.1 billion.
- By protecting yourself against flu, you can help protect your family and those more vulnerable to complications like your children or elderly relatives.
- The vaccine lasts for one year and helps you reduce your chances of catching flu and spreading the virus.
How effective is the winter flu vaccine?
The best time to have the winter flu vaccine is in the autumn, from the beginning of October to the end of November, but don’t worry if you have missed that window as you can still have it later in winter. It is particularly recommended for at-risk groups, including older people and those with an underlying health condition (usually provided by the NHS) but can equally be useful health defence for those who want to avoid the illness and inconvenience that a bout of flu could bring
Having the winter flu jab in Liverpool will normally help prevent you getting the flu. While it cannot stop all flu viruses and is not a 100% guarantee that you'll be flu-free, it does mean that if you get flu after vaccination, it's likely to be milder and shorter-lived than it would otherwise have been.
How often do you need to have a winter flu jab?
As strains of flu can change from year to year and protection from a flu vaccine decreases over time, it is recommended that you have the flu jab each year. New flu vaccines are produced each year to tackle these different strains of flu so if you want to significantly reduce your chance of catching it by up to 80% or massively reducing the severity of it should you unfortunately still catch it, we recommend you take up the option of a winter flu jab at our Liverpool centre.
Are there side effects of having a flu jab?
Some people do experience side effects after a flu injection but these are very rarely serious. In some cases you may experience a mild fever or aching muscles after having the vaccine, and your arm may be a bit sore where you were injected, but these symptoms will be short lived.
Despite what people may think, having the winter flu vaccine cannot give you the flu! The flu jab given to adults contains inactivate flu viruses, so it will not then cause you to develop flu. Ignore those who tell you otherwise.
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Did You Know? - Facts about the flu
It is easy to catch the flu - only 80% of people carrying the influenza virus show symptoms, but they can still pass it on to you and your family. 72% of people carrying the flu virus go to work feeling sick - not only are they likely to be less efficient, but also risk infecting other healthy staff. Last year, there were over 25 million working days lost in the UK due to the flu, costing businesses nationwide approximately £1.1 billion.
By protecting yourself against the flu, you can help protect your family and those more vulnerable to complications like your children or elderly relatives The vaccine lasts for one year and helps you reduce your chances of catching flu and spreading the virus. Evidence suggests that the flu vaccine can reduce your risk of having a stroke.
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Flu vaccine for Businesses
For a business, the flu vaccination is a simple and effective method of protecting the health and productivity of your staff and minimising sickness and absence due to flu symptoms. A severe bout of flu would be likely to lead to an absence from work of around two weeks, and that’s a fortnight a staff member is going to find it very difficult to catch up on.
Don't miss out on lost productivity or see your staff miss out on the seasonal festivities and the must attend social events. Give staff the chance to avoid the stress associated with being unwell and any disruptions to their professional career.
Booking Appointment & Costs
A convenient 15 minute appointment with a private doctor and flu vaccination costs just £45, or £50 for a flu vaccine for children under 2. You do not need a referral to book a private flu vaccination. Appointments are available at our clinic in Liverpool.
Please call our booking team on 0333 200 3338 to book your appointment or ask about how we can help you with a private flu vaccination.
Stay ahead of the rush for flu vaccines this Winter!
- A convenient and effective way for you to access private health care services when you need it.
- We can tailor your treatment to your needs
- A range of finance and payment options available
- We offer a friendly, trustworthy and above-all-else familiar service.