Rodney Street, Liverpool Clinic
Visit our State-of-the-Art Private Medical Clinic on Rodney Street.
Rodney Street,
L1 9ED
Just off Hoole Roundabout, in the ProPhysioUK building on Greenfield Lane, our new Chester clinic is easy to access from the M53 and A55.
Our Chester clinic is a joint venture with Scan Assure Medical Group
Visit our Private Medical Clinic in Salford.
50 Dearmans Pl,
M3 5LH

Ghosh Medical Group - Isle of Man
Visit our Private Medical Clinic in Salford.
Ghosh Medical Group (IOM) Ltd
5th Floor Victory House
Prospect Hill, Douglas
Coming Soon - Our brand new Private Medical Clinic located on Liverpool's famous waterfront.
Our new Private Medical Clinic in Oxton, Wirral is soon to be open to patients.
Oxton Village,
Our brand new clinic on the Channel Island of Jersey will soon be open to the public.